Well, this is my character page, as you shall soon discover. Mwa ha!
...Hmmmm.... I think I've had a little too much Squaresoft. *wink, grin*

This is a site for lovers of role-playing and anime! It's an archive for anime characters with connections to eachother, not just my own. Like any good page, it will never be finished, but almost all of it is ready to view. ^_^

So! "What does he have up his sleeve?" you may ask. Well, here's a look into my imagination... What's wrong? Stop cringing!

Fierre LeRatien, a young warrior searching for power.

Zipo, the Master Goof-Off!

Ciona, the Cleric of Snow and Light.

Radien, the Master Saboteur...er, Freelance Mechanic!

Kalani, a friendly young schoolgirl.

Kalysa and Catara, two reluctant adventurers lost in time.

Archive Page I
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