Well, I thought it was about time I had some links. These pages are similar to mine, or even directly related. After all, most of the characters in my archive are played by other people. You can also take a whirl around the Character Webring to see a lot of related pages not listed here. You'll come back here when your finished, right? ^_~

Ariana's Dreamworld - My sister's page, about anime, original fantasy fiction, and more. She runs a ruins thief storyline, the Dreamworld Saga, a Magic Knight Rayearth 2 page...lotsa cool stuff!

Kivrin's Castle - Another character page. What she's already written is great....go here and bug her to finish it! *grin*


Dustin's Dragon Warrior/Quest Shrine - That's right, in this age of Final Fantasy obsession I'm still an advocate for classic Dragon Warrior. Why not click here and see why?

Working Designs - Much more than Dragon Warrior, I'm a fan of the Lunar RPG series! Working Designs, the company that brings us Lunar, ports many video games to the U.S. They're often slow at getting them here, but they do tons of RPG translations, and most are anime. ^_^ The RPG "Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete" is in stores May 28th!! *fanatical cheering is heard in the background*

The Blue Star - The best Lunar site on the net!
(Warning: blatent spoilers. Mostly for those who are already fans)

RPGamer - The best site I've found for RPG info, multimedia, and news. They used to be Square.net, so they're unfortunately a little biased...but hey, what site isn't?


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Anime Directory!

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Anime Pitstop!

Animecity - the coolest anime image archive on the web! Very big, easy to use, and best of all, even the most obscure series usually have more than a page of pics. It's a full-service domain so it also hosts a few dozen personal anime pages. And their mascots rock! ^_^

The Ultimate Animanga Archive - The biggest anime image archive on the web. In addition, some series have written descriptions.