Personal facts

Some time ago, a strange incident occured. Kardis, the sixteen-year old darkmage of Setora, transferred himself to another body to escape afflictions which could have led to his death. The body was that of a young blonde-haired girl...

But where did it come from?

...In a not-so-distant land, a skillful cleric named Ciona lived, helping those with the worst problems that hardly a cleric in the society could heal. Her latest patron was a girl named Kyreen, who had been the victim of mental and physical disease all her life. Ciona sought to end this all at once using a healing technique which involved starting to absorb her conciousness...

They proceeded. But at the height of the spell, Kyreen's body simply disappeared; stolen from beneath her eyes by an unknown force. Kyreen's soul was forced into Ciona's body, and it took the two days to recover and find a way to somehow adjust. Ciona only knew one thing.... she sensed the soul of a young boy mage had taken over Kyreen's body. A boy named Kardis....

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Ciona is played by Steve,
and is associated with Kardis.