Personal facts

Lady Kivrin of the de Rocinantes, an ethereal girl who walks like a dream...the keeper of the soulcrystal, and mother of her little daughter, Luca.

Luca's birth was a rather troublesome affair. The crystal Kivrin wears about her neck actually holds her soul, which will leave her body whenever the crystal does, and enter any body the crystal is placed on. Luca was also bound by this, and almost as a miracle, she was born a happy, healthy child. But it wouldn't stay that way.

Luca's father, Lord Maw, grew jealous of the relationship Kivrin had with Kardis, the Mage. In a fit of anger, he denounced their marriage, claiming that Kivrin had given birth to Kardis's child, not his. He took Luca away, and left her with a strange family, forbidding Kivrin to raise her child...

...And ever still, does she long for her daughter.

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Kivrin is played by Melody.
She is associated with Fierre, Kardis, and Beckett de Rocinante.