If you are a RPer from Ravensdale

You may have guessed that since Runic Flux is in the Ravensdale RP complex, most of the people who stumble across the room are obviously going to be role-players from Rivendell.  The catch is, although Runic Flux is a part of Ravensdale, we do things a bit differently from our fellow "Rivvies." Read on to find out how.  :)

1. What is the room for?

For starters, Runic Flux is Ravensdale's official Anime room.  "Anime" is a term for Japanese Animation, which can be not only something to watch but also a style of role-playing.  The RF room was originally created simply for the Runic Flux storyline, but since many anime fans like to RP non-exclusively-fantasy storylines, we want to give them a place to do it where they won't be bothering anyone.  So if you want to RP any type of anime storyline from Sailor Moon to Macross, the Runic Flux room will be a place for you... but please don't ask to bring stuff like that into the main RF campaign.  ;P

2. What is Runic Flux?

The creation of Runic Flux was basically my personal little dream.  ^_^  I love anime, RPGs, and role-playing in general, and my favorite concept of all was for a story which mixes sci-fi, fantasy, adventure and humor together through the use of time travel.  It took almost two years to actually start, but it's here, and I love it!  From this point on Runic Flux is not just mine, but the creation of everyone who role-plays in it.  My part is merely to referee to make sure the timeline all fits together and the style is kept intact.

Being from Rivendell, you must be used to 100% freeform role-playing.  In 100% freeform, there is no Gamemaster, and the only rules are the guidelines of common courtesy.  If someone oversteps their bounds, your choices are to object, to ignore them and go on, to leave, or in extreme cases to report someone to Smat.  Players may come and go as they please, and while pre-planning is possible, it's an unnecessary option.

Runic Flux is a freeform RPG, too, but it's about 75% freeform.  This means that we play using a Gamemaster, who guides the players and sets limits here and there.  There are stats, even though we don't really roll dice, and we have more rules than Rivendell.  Most importantly, we plan a few things before we actually start -- mostly who will be playing which characters, where they may have the option of going, and what sorts of things the players' characters will know about what's going on.

3. What else should I know beforehand?

Well, most importantly, please don't jump right in and start RPing without getting to know us first!  We're not just random role-players who begin before we even know eachother; we're all friends here and make a point to plan times and sessions.  In fact, half of the fun is brainstorming what will make the next good addition to the story.  Players have given me some of their best ideas through e-mails and ICQ.  ^_^

Another important point to remember is that we almost always make our characters specifically for Runic Flux.  Even though Runic Flux has an era called the Middle Ages, it has no real connection with Rivendell, and similar is true for other eras even though they may resemble other worlds you may have RPed in.  To put it another way, The Blue Crescent, the world the story takes place in, is in another dimension, so characters with Rivendell backgrounds don't work "as is."

The last thing you should know: sessions occur whenever we can get everyone together; as often as once or twice a week.  So if you want to play, make sure you're easy to get ahold of and have some free time here and there.  :)

So, are you interested in Runic Flux? If so, the next step is to read the rules and look up anything you're interested in as far as eras.  One last thing... don't take it too seriously; try to have fun!  :D

~ Radien (runicflux@yahoo.com)