
Occupation: Priestess
Weapons specialty: Miniature throwing blades
Home era: The Magical Revolution
Sex: Female
Race: Human

The magical revolution, home to the greatest of technology, magic, and also home to Nadeen, The Priestess of the Decree. Though magic is a way of life in this era, it must be regulated to protect the balance of the kingdom. Nadeen is sworn to uphold this balance by dividing the use of magics over the entire population. To further maintain magics, Nadeen must also regulate trade and commerce to stop the illegal immporting and exporting of technology. There have been rumors of small villages deep within the outskirts of the land that produce technology. For Nadeen, these are targets to extinguish.

In her spare time, Nadeen has been known to stow away in her chambers with the door tightly sealed as she builds upon her already impressive knowledge. She has been known, on occasion, to leave the confines of her home and take long walks about the docks where she converses with ship captains and other crew members. When she speaks to anyone, she rarely strays from the subject of her work and only speaks when someone stops to talk with her. People have come to the conclusion that since she was adopted when she was eight, she became introverted and otherwise secretive. It might also be the reason for her occasional mood swings and stress. Yet, as the Priestess, many have come to the conclusion that she is indeed the woman for the job.

The Priestess of the Decree, a highly respected leader and easily misunderstood. Your opinion of her will most definitely change once you get to know her..............