The Present:
1000 A.D.

The people of the present are, for the most part, blissfully unaware of the implications of their past and future. History is recorded on just about any era you could look for, but the truths of their pasts go much deeper than most people think.

The population in Tristian in 1000 A.D. is actually fairly low, but most of the people living there are quite content. The city thrives off of the river running through it and the lush surrounding vegetation, using water turbines here and there to run it's scant assortment of technology. The city is technically a monarchy, but the people can run their daily lives without someone to tell them what to do, so royalty is an ideal that is looked up to more than it is feared.

Era notes:

Magic: Magic is practiced in this era, but very minorly, and mostly with regards to royal traditions. While a good number of people are actually capable of it, very few really understand it. Like weapon skills, magic is mostly considered a hobby and a form of art and expression, while the roots of what drives it are beyond the reaches of common curiousity. The whole of its secrets lie buried along with many other knowledges of the past.

Technology: The new age is a patchwork of different types of technology. Truth be told, most people feel they really don't need it. Why look for change when things work wonderfully just the way they are? Rather than mass advancement, they rely on individuals with a thirst for science who can present them with something truly fantastic, one invention at a time. These people are few and far between....but the process still works. :)

Most common weapons: Swords, quarterstaves, air guns, and other weapons of sport
Most common spells: Healing, levitationary, and simple elemental spells
Classification: The Integration Age
Common character occupations: Soldier, Inventor, Royalty, Healer, or a curious civilian with his or her own specialty