Last updated 4/25/00
Runic Flux

"Hey! I'm Raz, and welcome to the home of Runic Flux. Take a look around, but behave yourself! If you don't, Radien has given me the authority to fine you one fresh salmon. Of course... -ahem- one would be appreciated anyway..."

Welcome to the homepage of Runic Flux: the role-playing game.

Anime. Time travel. A chronological Fantasy... this is the world of Runic Flux, our online role-playing game.  Come and bask in the glow of fantastic civilizations, meet skilled fighters, eccentric geniuses, and hyper schoolgirls with astronomical appetites.  Learn just what can be done with anime role-playing, and possibly even do it yourself.

  And by the way, if you want to bookmark Runic Flux, please bookmark this, the site index ... arigato!  ^_^

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""All right. Here I go. Pushing the switch. Yes, indeed.
I'm pushing this switch that could kill us..."

Septimus from Alundra

Raz is from the Adopt a Lunar Dragon site. Would you like to meet a Lunar dragon?

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