Alright, kiddies, I have a problem, and I have a possible solution.

The Problem:
We have members. Lots of them. Many already friends, and a few new people, who all talk enthusiastically about the game. Great!

I write these people updates about when to come, with great hopes of adventure, creativity, and fantasy. I get no responses. Not one shows up on time, if at all.
...Not so great.

Solution, Part 1:
To give new members a chance. there are some great people out there waiting to play, and I'm going to give them the chance. A half dozen people or more ought to be enough.

Part 2:
Right now we have members. We don't have players. We really need a new rule, so here goes: members will only be considered active players as long as they RSVP. I understand that there are times when people can't come, but it's only fair to expect that you give us at least a vague idea of what to expect; otherwise we're flying blind. I really must know that you're still actively interested enough to keep in touch and show up when somewhat regularly.

Alrighty, then...that's all. Thanks you much for checking up! If you have any questions at all, by all means, e-mail me.

~Radien, Webmaster