Only the vast reaches of outer space can hold the myriad dreams
of 10 billion people and still show them its infinite possibilities.
Countless dreams expand through the vastness of space.
But of course, some of them are nightmares...
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Welcome to the SO2 IRC RPG homepage!
SO2RPG is a story about ancient beginnings and new directions. The adventure recounted by The Second Story was a quest for an answer to the question of How... the denizens of the SO2RPG universe will seek to answer the question of Why. It will be about friends seeking to unlock the secrets of universe -- not always by looking outwardly, but by learning to understand the secrets within known truths...
Where are the ultimate origins of it all, and how does it all connect? The answers lie far away from Expel, and yet a blink away. Even if everything you've seen with your own eyes is true, a huge change of perception may be merely a matter of turning your head the other way. Beneath the waves of the Star Ocean are wonders unimaginable...
~ Radien
![[ 89.5% Complete... ]](images/baranim3.gif)
* News/Updates *
June 5, 2002
Thanks to the droolingly high quality movie files sported by the latest two episodes of Star Ocean EX, I have found the idea of making a new banner to be irresistable. So, Star Ocean: Universal Truths now has an official banner, rather than the generic (albeit nifty) one originally contributed by Nall.
June 4, 2002
Yes, we now have a MAP! (228K) ...or, if you prefer a higher quality PNG image, click here. (624K)
For those of you players who have been having a hard time keeping track of where we've been, where your vehicles are, and the exact location of places that weren't in the original SO2 game, here you go. I've worked hard to make sure everything you need to know to this point has been marked on it. Enjoy! ^_^
June 3, 2002
Agh. Yes, I've been behind in keeping up the site. Yes, the game itself is continuing on despite my immense lack of updateness. But I finally got back to it, so you better appreciate it! ;)
Anyway, we have a new PC, played by Mia Ausa... Peaches, our irrational fan service character. I've put up Peaches complete page, plus I moved Ares and Trajan to the (new!) NPC section. More updates to come as I figure them out.
SO2RPG sessions are now held weekly on Sundays at roughly 1pm PST. Direct your IRC program to LunarNet if you want to watch or talk about the game.
Port 6667
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