Killer Moves and Spells
Every character in Star Ocean has the ability to use either Killer Moves or Spells. Killer Moves are basically what other games might call "Techs;" fighters who haven't learned a magical art such as Heraldry use these as a way of letting out their raw inner power through the use of specialized attacks of all sorts, from Heraldic Fencing attacks to firing rocket launchers. Heraldry, on the other hand, is a traditional art passed down on Expel which uses the mind's power to control the magical energy of the universe through crests and incantations.
For the most part, the rules of the SO2 IRC RPG allow you to make up your own spells and killer moves, or use ones from the original game. Either way, to create an ability run it by me, and I'll tell you whether your character can learn that ability and how much MP it'll cost to use.
Pleast note that if you're just submitting a character at this time, only the names of the abilities are really necessary. Don't feel you have to spend a lot of time deciding things here; it can be completed later on. Also remember that the amount of damage, amount of healing, or other types of success Spells and Killer Moves have is based solely on a stat (either your ATP [Attack Power] for physical or your INT [Intelligence] for mental). Other characteristics of an ability may affect that.
Killer Moves:
Level 1 Fighters can choose two Killer Moves. Just make up a name, and describe what it does as listed below. I encourage you to think up at least some of your own spells, too. Buying new Killer Moves will cost 2 SP each; upgrading old ones to your liking costs 1 SP.
What kind of effect does it have? (This will almost always involve attacking the enemy, obviously)
This is the maximum number of times you might hit your enemies when you use this particular attack. It replaces your regular "Max Hits" value.
Area Effect:
Can it hit more than one enemy if they are close together, or always just one? (Killer Moves aren't allowed to hit the whole battlefield ^_~)
Some Killer Moves may use a particular element, like Fire or Wind, during the attack... i.e. Bowman's Firebird Attack or Ashton's Hurricane Slash. If so, go ahead and specify the element. Most Killer Move will be non-elemental attacks. Look at the bottom of the page if you want to learn about the elements.
Heraldic Spells:
Level 1 Mages can choose three spells. Describe what each does in a few words, and then note the other stuff below.
What does it do? Is it a regular damage spell, a healing spell, or does it have a more interesting effect on your enemies or friends (ot maybe...both)?
Area Effect:
Can it affect one target, a close group of targets, or the whole friggin' battlefield? Or is it used on your friends... and if so, how many can if affect?
Choose which element this spell uses to do its work. They're listed below. (More info about Elements is listed in the Elements and Status Effects section)
The Elements:
(formerly "Star")
Earning new Heraldic Spells:
Raising levels in SO2RPG will allow you to buy new spells with your Skill Points. There are actually three different stages of spells, but you should only start off with Stage 1 spells if you're level 1. Regardless of your level, though. you can buy any type of spell you want if you have enough SP. For all three spell Stages, you can specify what they do to me, but I'll calculate the MP costs.
Stage 1 Spells
Cost: 1 SP
These spells use your normal Intelligence to cast. They can be anything from damage, to healing, to "effect" spells. The more area effect and other frills you ask for, the higher the MP cost. Stage 1 spells can be cast very quickly.
Examples: Heal, Firebolt, Ray, Silence, Growth, Protection, Antidote
Stage 2 Spells
Cost: 2 SP
These spells are 1 1/2 times as powerful as Stage 1 spells. They also include stronger "effect" and defensive spells such as Dispel and Reflection. Stage 2 spells take some time to cast and usually cost about twice as much MP as Stage 1 spells.
Examples: Cure Light, Cure All, Eruption, Star Flare, Reflection, Dispel
Stage 3 Spells
Cost: 3 SP
These spells are twice as powerful as Stage 1 spells; they represent the huge overkill Heraldry used by magicians such as Celine. They also include the strongest "effect" and defensive spells. Stage 3 spell incantations take a long time to recite; the casting may lapse into the next round. They also cost about three times as much MP as Stage 1 spells.
Examples: Fairy Heal, Fairy Light, Explode, Southern Cross, Revive
As new spells are created, I'll list what they do in a separate section for reference.
By the way, if you're in the mood to be really thorough and would like to know more about any particular spells or moves in the original PSX game, go ahead and ask me. If I have time I'll look it up in the strategy guide.