SO2 IRC RPG Main Page
Why a Star Ocean 2 RPG?
The Story's Premise
Info about joining and playing SO2RPG
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| Main Page | Why a SO2 RPG? | Premise of the Story | Game Information |
Levels and
Skill Points
Survival! (Mmm, tasty fishbirds...)

In the Star Ocean IRC RPG, while playing out the adventure your character will earn Experience Points for doing...stuff.  "Stuff" could be fighting battles, or it could be doing influential things outside of battle.  I'll keep a tally, and at the end of the session I'll tell everyone how much EXP they earned.  When you reach a certain point, you raise a level.

Sounds like the usual fare, doesn't it?  Well, the catch is you don't raise your stats the normal way.  Instead, advancing a level gives you Skill Points (SP).  Between sessions, you can earn and raise different skills with your SP, and those in turn give bonuses to stats like Strength, Dexterity, and HP.  When a session is over, just take a look at the Skills page and let me know which skill(s) you'd like to raise.

Note: You only earn SP for things that happen while you're playing your character!  If I end up NPCing your character for a bit, s/he won't get squat in the way of levels for that amount of time, so be on time for sessions or your character will fall behind in levels!  :P


Go on ahead and take a look at the skills list.  And don't worry; this Skill system is much simplified from SO2 PSX's insanely complex interface, which is only fun in a video game where you're not doing the math yourself. ^_~