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Familiar! Earning and Raising Your Skills

Skill types:

The Arts  | Sciences  | Craft  |
Talents  | Combat  |

The SO2RPG uses a Skills system based loosely on the one present in the PSX game.  There are some large differences -- for instance, rather than having to raise two or three individual skills before you can get a new command to use -- but in effect it's an all-new way to raise levels.

Players, please remember that buying skills is something you should do on your own time, since the page is up for you to browse through.  You don't have to spend the Skill Points you earn right away...but if you take a couple minutes sometime during the week to look it over and write down your new levels, you'll be able to use your fresh new "mad skillz" in the next session. :)

The skills you can learn range from level 0 to level 10.  All skills start at level zero, so don't bother writing one down until it's at level 1.  Raising a skill one level will simply cost you 1 SP.  Whenever you raise a skill, you get a little bonus to your stats.  This bonus will be different for each skill; they're all listed in the table below (and in the Skill lists above).  This is how you strengthen your character.

As for the question of how high levels have to be before they're really effective, I'm not going to go very far into it, but they roughly indicate your chances of success out of ten.  So, a level 7 skill would succeed about 70% of the time.  Remember this is taking into consideration the whole range of difficulties different tasks may have, so you can actually do useful stuff with a level 1 or 2 skill if you only try the easy tasks!

As you read on, some skills may seem rather silly and others will seem more useful.  I'll leave it up to you to decide whether there's a point in learning each of them or not, but regardless of whether you use them formally in the game, you always get a stat bonus for each.  Remember that you get a skill's bonus each time you raise that skill a level, so write them down right away once you decide!  For easy reference, here's a table with all the skills in the game and the benefits you can get from them.

Specialty Skills
Art +2 INT and +1 LUC
Musical Talent +1 AGL and +5 MP
Cooking +1 LUC and +5 HP
Customize +1 STR, DEX and +2 MP
Metalwork +1 CON, DEX and +2 HP
Authoring +1 INT, +10 MP
Machinery + 1 CON, +3 MP
Pickpocket +1 DEX, AGL
Familiar +2 LUC
Survival +1 CON, AGL and +3 HP
Combat Skills
Strong Blow +2 STR
Counterattack +1 CON, AGL
Below the Belt +1 STR, DEX
Body Control +10 HP
Motormouth +1 INT