SO2 IRC RPG Main Page
Why a Star Ocean 2 RPG?
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The NPCs
Logs of SO2RPG Roleplay Sessions
The Story's Premise
Info about joining and playing SO2RPG
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| Main Page | Why SO2? | Characters | Premise | Mission Records | Game Info |

          ~Ashton Anchors

        Why, you ask? Well, the original reason I started considering GMing a Star Ocean 2 RPG on IRC is because my current RPG has been running into some scheduling problems.  With a decrease in the amount of role-playing, I'd really like to GM something else on the side.  The idea of doing an RPG based off of a video game was only in the the back of my mind, really, because I'd rather play something that hasn't already been played to death, and most of the best/most recent RPGs already have a role-playing following.  But then something occured to me: Star Ocean 2!

Rena Lanford, the cutie ^_^

Sure enough, I searched the net, and there isn't a Star Ocean 2 RPG in existance.  This was a lucky discovery, because SO2 has one of my favorite setting/styles all time, and offers a pretty decent opportunity for plot expansion to boot!  And not to mention, we have a chance to be the first group on the net to role-play this setting (In case you didn't notice, I consider originality to be a nice bonus ^_^ v ).

Some might argue that story wasn't one of Star Ocean 2's strongest points, but whether that's true or not I believe it has wonderful expansion possibilities.  The setting makes it very easy to introduce new races, and even new worlds with little difficulty.  Plus with its unique mix of the styles of fantasy and sci-fi, a large variety of character types can fit into its the story.  There also some plot points that went unexplained or passed up some chances for expansion, such as the several energy stones that seemed to mess with people's minds in various parts of Expel.  These types of gaps in the story don't make for a bad plot so much as they leave room for improvement and sequel material... that's where we step in! :)

Star Ocean also opens up vast new possibilities for characters.  Hey, how often do you see reporters and pharmacists in RPGs?... o_o

If you've played the game, you probably know very well that there's not much that can be done on Nede, but Expel is completely "up-for-grabs" as for story possibilities.  Plus with SO2's multiple character endings, creating different interpretations is easy and perfectly acceptable.  Expel offers many chances to explore its different races.  There are already five set races that became important to the story in the game: Human, Expellian, Fellpool, Tetragene, and Nedian... and even more races are certain to appear.  Many new possibilities open up through this!

If you're interested, please read the premise now and tell me what you think.  I'd like to get an idea of how many people would be interested in getting involved, and what they think about the possibilities this story may have.      ~ Radien